LINE 9b, Education Expenses

Enter the average monthly costs of tuition and other related educational expenses.


Education expenses are not included in the economic table amount.


Use SKRATCHPAD image\ebd_ebd17.gif to convert Education Expenses to Monthly amounts.


Education expenses are shared by the parents in the same proportion as the basic support obligation. The court may use its discretion to determine the necessity and reasonableness of education expenses.


Allocation Standard #3 Day Care and Special Childrearing Expenses: Day care and special child rearing expenses, such as tuition and long distance transportation costs to and from the parents for visitation purposes, are not included in the economic table. These expenses shall be shared by the parents in the same proportion as the basic child support obligation. RCW 26.119.080.

Allocation Standard #4 The court may exercise its discretion to determine the necessity for and the reasonableness of all amounts ordered in excess of the basic child support obligation.